Party Like It's



This Talk

build a calculation

design and build a calculation

iteratively design and build a complex calculation

given a positive integer,

return its equivalent representation

in additive (ca 500BC) Roman numerals


  • uh…
  • The Romans didn’t have a symbol for 0…


for small numbers of static conversions,

we could use a mapping

>>> d_to_r = {
...     1: 'I',
...     8: 'VIII',
...     9: 'VIIII',
...     42: 'XXXXII',
...     2014: 'MMXIIII',
... }
>>> d_to_r[2014]

But we have to know in advance

which numbers we need…

>>> d_to_r[2015]
Traceback (most recent call last):
KeyError: 2015

so unless you’re clairvoyant…

  • (if you are clairvoyant…
  •  we’re hiring! :)

absent clairvoyance,

this is maintenance tedium

II. Alternative

calculate using an algorithm


  • defined series of steps

    to compute an output

    given some input

like a recipe

like a recipe, but automated!

given a positive integer,

return its equivalent representation

in additive (ca 500BC) Roman numerals

III. Iterate

simplest case

n = 1

>>> def roman(n):
...     return 'I'

>>> roman(1)

production ready…


  • (algorithm courtesy xkcd)

the I’s have it

handy Python feature: string multiplication!


>>> 'fa' + ' la' * 8
'fa la la la la la la la la'

useful for quickie debugging:

>>> print '*' * 72
... # bugs go here

or for tormenting children:

>>> 'I must not tell lies. ' * 1000  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
'I must not tell lies. I must not tell lies. I must not tell lies... '

and, of course

>>> '' * 1000000000000

notice that if n ≤ 4,

the Roman equivalent is

n Is!

>>> def roman(n):
...     return 'I' * n
>>> roman(4)


>>> roman(3)
>>> roman(2)

and, to make sure we haven’t broken anything,

>>> roman(1)


>>> print roman(5), '☹'
>>> print roman(10), '―(×_×)→'


why here?

why here?

next logical class of cases

shared features:

5 V
6 VI

a V followed by

some number of Is

5 V
6 VI
>>> def roman(n):
...     return 'V' + 'I' * (n - 5)
>>> roman(7)


>>> roman(4)

that’s a regression


specific kind of bug


when the addition of a new feature

or extension of an existing one

breaks existing behavior

IIII. Design Options

problem contours, experience,

language idiom, tools


>>> def roman(n):
...     if n >= 5:
...         return 'V' + 'I' * (n - 5)
...     else:
...         return 'I' * n

this solution approaches the problem

from the decimal side of the equation

given an integer n,

how do I turn it into Roman numerals?

code smell: repetition

>>> def roman(n):
...     if n >= 5:
...         return 'V' + 'I' * (n - 5)
...     else:
...         return 'I' * n

notice that the V case

is also worrying about the I case

what if we refocused on the

numeral side of the problem?

for each Roman numeral,

how many are needed to represent an integer n?

>>> def roman(n):
...     parts = []
...     if n >= 5:
...         parts.append('V')
...         n -= 5  # n = n - 5
...     parts.append('I' * n)
...     return ''.join(parts)
>>> roman(9)
>>> roman(7)
>>> roman(5)
>>> roman(4)
>>> roman(1)

we are going to assemble the result

from a list of parts

parts = []


because we don’t know in advance

how many numerals we need

the V case

# if we need one,
if n >= 5:

    # save a V to the result

    # mark that part of the input as handled
    n -= 5

the I case

# n guaranteed to be between 0 and 4
parts.append('I' * n)

assemble the parts and return

# join the parts with the empty string (nothing)
# between them
return ''.join(parts)
>>> def roman(n):
...     parts = []
...     if n >= 5:
...         parts.append('V')
...         n -= 5  # n = n - 5
...     parts.append('I' * n)
...     return ''.join(parts)

this is the art of programming

problem contours, experience,

language idiom, tools


↙  ↘

A        B

both solutions are correct

over their input range

which is more

  • readable
  • maintainable
  • extensible

There is no model that is natural to all contexts!

—Uncle Bob Martin

  • there is no “right answer”
  • the choice is not objective

informed by

problem contours, experience,

language idiom, tools

Since closure cannot be complete, it must be strategic. This takes a certain amount of prescience derived from experience.

—Uncle Bob Martin

this is why it’s important to

never stop learning

how did I choose?

how did I choose?

prefer general solutions to special cases

how did I choose?

leverage experience to anticipate my next move

  • (but don’t overdo this, see YAGNI)

how did I choose?

DRY: pathological abhorrence of repetition

  • even its subtle forms
>>> def roman(n):
...     parts = []
...     if n >= 5:
...         parts.append('V')
...         n -= 5  # n = n - 5
...     parts.append('I' * n)
...     return ''.join(parts)

Roman numerals are ordered

∴ each algorithm stage can assume

prior numerals are already handled

# n guaranteed to be between 0 and 4
parts.append('I' * n)
49 / 10 = 4 4 Xs
9 / 5 = 1 1 V
4 / 1 = 4 4 Is

/ is integer division

>>> n = 49
>>> count = n / 10  # how many Xs?
>>> n = n % 10
>>> 'X' * count
>>> n

>>> count, n = n / 5, n % 5
>>> 'V' * count
>>> n

current, 1 ≤ n ≤ 9

>>> def roman(n):
...     parts = []
...     if n >= 5:
...         parts.append('V')
...         n -= 5  # n = n - 5
...     parts.append('I' * n)
...     return ''.join(parts)

iterative version

>>> numerals = [('V', 5), ('I', 1)]
>>> def roman(n):
...     parts = []
...     for numeral, decimal in numerals:
...         count = n / decimal
...         parts.append(numeral * count)
...         n %= decimal
...     return ''.join(parts)

sanity check

>>> for n in xrange(9, 0, -1):
...     print '{}: {}'.format(n, roman(n))
7: VII
6: VI
5: V
3: III
2: II
1: I

X, anyone?

>>> numerals = [('X', 10), ('V', 5), ('I', 1)]
>>> # def roman(n) same as before

>>> roman(49)
>>> roman(42)
>>> roman(25)
>>> roman(11)
>>> roman(6)
>>> roman(3)
>>> roman(1)

L: 1–99

>>> numerals = [('L', 50), ('X', 10),
...             ('V', 5), ('I', 1)]

>>> roman(99)
>>> roman(75)
>>> roman(51)

V. While you were bedazzled…

we looked at

Python Features

data structures: dict, list, tuple, str

Python Features

control structures: if, for

Python Features

function definitions, parameters, and return statements

calling functions with arguments

Python Features

integer division

modulus (remainder)

string multiplication

Boolean expressions

string formatting

list comprehensions


Development thought process

problem analysis and partitioning

Development thought process


domain & range

Development thought process

design approach

iterative refinement

Development thought process

design signals and intuitions

DRY, clarity, complexity,

extensibility, performance

Development thought process

evolution of solution alternatives

VI. Challenge

(don’t give away the answer!)


Implement subtractive Roman numerals

e.g. IV, XIX, etc.

(hint: you don’t need to change the code…)
