Clean and Green

Pragmatic Architecture Patterns

PyAtl — January 8, 2015


you build systems





understandable, testable



understandable, testable, maintainable


build new or transform existing systems

such that they are

understandable, testable, maintainable


Simple is better than complex

The pitch

Data and transforms are easier
to understand and maintain
than coupled procedures

Most objects are coupled procedures

Methods implicitly depend on

mutable instance state

Methods are therefore

coupled to that state

and therefore to each other


Build systems around

functional transforms

of simple values and data structures


No one argues the

high-level expressivity & convenient testability

of pure functions

So what’s the problem?

>>> objections = {'a'} | {'b'}

“That’s a fine academic toy,

but it can’t build real systems.”

(“real” generally being a euphemism

for “HTML-producing” ;)

“We can’t afford to


our whole system!”

These concerns are understandable,

but not true


You don’t need a full rewrite

(and you definitely should not attempt one)

You can build real systems this way

The pitch

Simple is better than complex

Build systems around

functional transforms

of simple values and data structures


Apply the Clean Architecture

“In general, the further in you go,
the higher level the software becomes.
The outer circles are mechanisms.
The inner circles are policies.”
“The important thing is
that isolated, simple data structures
are passed across the boundaries.”
“When any of the external parts
of the system become obsolete, like
the database, or the web framework,
you can replace those obsolete
elements with a minimum of fuss.”

— Uncle Bob Martin


Apply the Clean Architecture


Pragmatic Architecture Patterns


Tools you can apply to existing systems

Techniques for limiting the

required change surface

smaller change surface

iterative incremental improvement

smaller change surface

measurable progress

smaller change surface

higher confidence & likelihood of success


Addresses the design of the entire system

Framework for assigning responsibilities


Generalized problem types and

solution approaches

The idea is simple

Build systems around

functional transforms

of simple values and data structures

(but it’s not necessarily easy…)

Exhibit A

def delete(self, id):
    agreement = EndUserAgreement.get(id)

    if agreement.start_date <=
        return {'success': False, 'msg': '<already active msg>'}
    if EndUserAgreement.query.count() == 1:
        return {'success': False, 'msg': '<only agreement msg>'}

    # In order to ensure there are no gaps in agreements, …
    previous_agreement = self.get_previous(agreement.start_date, id)
    if previous_agreement:
        previous_agreement.end_date = agreement.end_date
    elif agreement.end_date:
        # If the deleted agreement was the first one, then we find…
        next_agreement = self.get_next(agreement.start_date, id)
        if next_agreement:
            next_agreement.start_date = agreement.start_date

    return {'success': True}

Fetch the agreement to delete from the ORM

def delete(self, id):
    agreement = EndUserAgreement.get(id)

    #                                                              …

Check that it is not yet active

def delete(self, id):
    #                                                              …

    if agreement.start_date <=
        return {'success': False, 'msg': '<already active msg>'}

    #                                                              …

(and format a message back if it is)

and that it is not the only agreement

def delete(self, id):
    #                                                              …

    if EndUserAgreement.query.count() == 1:
        return {'success': False, 'msg': '<only agreement msg>'}

    #                                                              …
Adjust either the previous or next
agreement to cover any gap
def delete(self, id):
    #                                                              …
    previous_agreement = self.get_previous(agreement.start_date, id)
    if previous_agreement:
        previous_agreement.end_date = agreement.end_date
    elif agreement.end_date:
        next_agreement = self.get_next(agreement.start_date, id)
        if next_agreement:
            next_agreement.start_date = agreement.start_date


def delete(self, id):
    #                                                              …

    return {'success': True}

So what’s the problem?



How would you test this?

How would you test

def delete(self, id):
    agreement = EndUserAgreement.get(id)

    if agreement.start_date <=
        return {'success': False, 'msg': '<already active msg>'}
    if EndUserAgreement.query.count() == 1:
        return {'success': False, 'msg': '<only agreement msg>'}

    # In order to ensure there are no gaps in agreements, …
    previous_agreement = self.get_previous(agreement.start_date, id)
    if previous_agreement:
        previous_agreement.end_date = agreement.end_date
    elif agreement.end_date:
        # If the deleted agreement was the first one, then we find…
        next_agreement = self.get_next(agreement.start_date, id)
        if next_agreement:
            next_agreement.start_date = agreement.start_date

    return {'success': True}



How would you implement

custom rules

if a client asked?


How could we possibly convert


to a purely functional form?

(for Pete’s sake, dan, even the name has state mutation in it!)

Pattern 1: FauxO

Functional core, imperative shell

Imperative shell:

procedural “glue” that offers

an OO interface & manages dependencies

Functional core:

implements all the decisions

Key rule

Never mix decisions and dependencies

logic goes only in the functional core

dependencies go only in the imperative shell

def delete(self, id):
    agreement = EndUserAgreement.get(id)

    if agreement.start_date <=
        return {'success': False, 'msg': '<already active msg>'}
    if EndUserAgreement.query.count() == 1:
        return {'success': False, 'msg': '<only agreement msg>'}

    # In order to ensure there are no gaps in agreements, …
    previous_agreement = self.get_previous(agreement.start_date, id)
    if previous_agreement:
        previous_agreement.end_date = agreement.end_date
    elif agreement.end_date:
        # If the deleted agreement was the first one, then we find…
        next_agreement = self.get_next(agreement.start_date, id)
        if next_agreement:
            next_agreement.start_date = agreement.start_date

    return {'success': True}


def delete(self, id):
    success, msg = agreements.delete(id)
    return {'success': success, 'msg': msg}

Our HTTP endpoint now does its

one job

call routing

def delete(self, id):
    success, msg = agreements.delete(id)
    return {'success': success, 'msg': msg}

We’ve reduced its responsibility surface four fold

It no longer has to change with

the Agreement model
the persistence subsystem
the removal rules
the gap adjustment rules
def delete(self, id):
    success, msg = agreements.delete(id)
    return {'success': success, 'msg': msg}

agreements is a manager object in the imperative shell

agreements gathers all the dependencies: stateful objects, system settings, required libraries

What does it look like?

Step 1: is_removable()

#                                  (imperative shell)

def delete(assignment_id):
    agreement = EndUserAgreement.get(id)
    all_agreements = EndUserAgreement.query

    removable, reason = is_removable(agreement, all_agreements)

    # date adjustments temporariliy elided…

    if removable:

    return removable, reason

Notice the pivot

agreement.delete() is a mutation applied to a persisted (dependent) object


is_removable() is logic that can be applied to a simple data structure

Build systems around

functional transforms

of simple values and data structures

What do we mean by

simple values and data structures

Litmus test: is_removable() should work on a plain, non-ORM object

>>> from collections import namedtuple
>>> Agreement = namedtuple('Agreement', 'start_date end_date')
#                               (functional core)

>>> def is_removable(agreement, all_agreements):
...     assert agreement and agreement in all_agreements
...     if agreement.start_date <=
...         return False, 'already_active'
...     elif len(all_agreements) <= 1:
...         return False, 'only_agreement'
...     else:
...         return True, None
>>> from datetime import date
>>> only_agreement = Agreement(, None)
>>> removable, status = is_removable(only_agreement, [only_agreement])
>>> removable
>>> really_planning_ahead = date(3025, 1, 1)
>>> current_agreement = Agreement(, really_planning_ahead)
>>> next_agreement = Agreement(really_planning_ahead, None)
>>> removable, status = is_removable(next_agreement, [current_agreement,
...                                                   next_agreement])
>>> removable

But don’t we still have decisions in the shell?

#                                  (imperative shell)

def delete(assignment_id):
    agreement = EndUserAgreement.get(id)
    all_agreements = EndUserAgreement.query

    removable, reason = is_removable(agreement, all_agreements)

    # date adjustments temporariliy elided…

    if removable:

    return removable, reason

Practicality beats purity

I might just leave this

The decision was made in the core;

the shell is merely acting on that decision


That’s a pretty fine distinction…

you can’t always rationalize this way

which leads to

Pattern 2: Callbacks

# (step 2)                          (imperative shell)

def delete(assignment_id):
    agreement = EndUserAgreement.get(id)
    all_agreements = EndUserAgreement.query

    removable, reason = is_removable(agreement, all_agreements,

    # date adjustments temporariliy elided…

    return removable, reason
# (step 2)                      (functional core)

>>> def is_removable(agreement, all_agreements, remove_callback=None):
...     assert agreement and agreement in all_agreements
...     if agreement.start_date <=
...         return False, 'already_active'
...     elif len(all_agreements) <= 1:
...         return False, 'only_agreement'
...     else:
...         remove_callback() if remove_callback else None
...         return True, None

Callbacks can help bridge boundary gaps between

lower-level mechanisms (web, db)

and higher level policy layers

without coupling policies to mechanisms

Callbacks are excellent for


the required change surface

Quick example: what exam types are available to a candidate?

def available_types(all_types, , check_functions=()):
    # other checks…

    return [exam_type for exam_type in all_types
            if not any(fn(exam_type) for fn in check_functions)]

If any check function returns an error message, the type is unavalable to the candidate.

Example check: organization credit hold

def registration_open(self, exam_type):
    organization = self.candidate.organization

    if organization.registration_blocked(self.candidate, exam_type):
        return 'registration_blocked_org_credit_hold'

When I did this particular refactor, I was working on


Organizations are two subsystems away…

The check function callback allowed me to


how much I needed to change

“I will refactor applications, and no further”

available_types() is still a pure function,

testable with just data

def test_exam_type_available_if_check_is_false():
    exam_type = object()
    check_function = lambda exam_type: None

    assert exam_type in \
        available_types([exam_type], check_functions=[check_function])

def test_exam_type_not_available_if_check_is_true():
    exam_type = object()
    check_function = lambda exam_type: 'I_dont_think_so'

    assert exam_type not in \
        available_types([exam_type], check_functions=[check_function])

Callbacks are a powerful tool

but easy to overuse

Keep calm


apply judiciously

So where were we?

# (step 2)                          (imperative shell)

def delete(assignment_id):
    agreement = EndUserAgreement.get(id)
    all_agreements = EndUserAgreement.query

    removable, reason = is_removable(agreement, all_agreements,

    # date adjustments temporariliy elided…

    return removable, reason

With the date adjustments

def delete(assignment_id):
    agreement = EndUserAgreement.get(id)
    all_agreements = EndUserAgreement.query

    removable, reason = is_removable(agreement, all_agreements,

    # In order to ensure there are no gaps in agreements, …
    previous_agreement = self.get_previous(agreement.start_date, id)
    if previous_agreement:
        previous_agreement.end_date = agreement.end_date
    elif agreement.end_date:
        # If the deleted agreement was the first one, then we find…
        next_agreement = self.get_next(agreement.start_date, id)
        if next_agreement:
            next_agreement.start_date = agreement.start_date

    return removable, reason

Challenge: disentangle the mutation from the rules


Pattern 3: Delegated value

Shell assigns a value computed by the core

# (step 3)                          (imperative shell)

def delete(assignment_id):
    agreement = EndUserAgreement.get(id)
    all_agreements = EndUserAgreement.query

    def on_remove():

    removable, reason = is_removable(agreement, all_agreements,

    return removable, reason
# (step 3)                          (imperative shell)

def adjust_dates(minimum_start_date=None):
    all_agreements = EndUserAgreement.query.order_by('start_date')

    for agreement, start, end in mind_the_gap(all_agreements,
        agreement.start_date = start
        agreement.end_date = end

Find ordered pairs of agreements with gaps between them…

def adjust_dates(minimum_start_date=None):
    all_agreements = EndUserAgreement.query.order_by('start_date')

    for agreement, start, end in mind_the_gap(all_agreements,
        # …
and for each,
update its dates
as indicated by the core
def adjust_dates(minimum_start_date=None):
    for agreement, start, end in :
        agreement.start_date = start
        agreement.end_date = end

The core implements the rules

a little itertools help (from stdlib docs)

>>> from itertools import izip, tee
>>> def pairwise(iterable):
...     "s -> (s0,s1), (s1,s2), (s2, s3), ..."
...     a, b = tee(iterable)
...     next(b, None)
...     return izip(a, b)
# (step 3)                      (functional core)

>>> def mind_the_gap(sorted_agreements, minimum_start_date=None):
...     first = sorted_agreements[0]
...     if minimum_start_date and first.start_date > minimum_start_date:
...         yield first, minimum_start_date, first.end_date
...     for a, b in pairwise(sorted_agreements):
...         if a.end_date < b.start_date:
...             yield a, a.start_date, b.start_date

Stepping back

We started here

def delete(self, id):
    agreement = EndUserAgreement.get(id)

    if agreement.start_date <=
        return {'success': False, 'msg': '<already active msg>'}
    if EndUserAgreement.query.count() == 1:
        return {'success': False, 'msg': '<only agreement msg>'}

    # In order to ensure there are no gaps in agreements, …
    previous_agreement = self.get_previous(agreement.start_date, id)
    if previous_agreement:
        previous_agreement.end_date = agreement.end_date
    elif agreement.end_date:
        # If the deleted agreement was the first one, then we find…
        next_agreement = self.get_next(agreement.start_date, id)
        if next_agreement:
            next_agreement.start_date = agreement.start_date

    return {'success': True}

mixed responsibilities

unclear rules

monolithic expression of intent

Practically untestable

Our functional core

>>> def is_removable(agreement, all_agreements, remove_callback=None):
...     assert agreement and agreement in all_agreements
...     if agreement.start_date <=
...         return False, 'already_active'
...     elif len(all_agreements) <= 1:
...         return False, 'only_agreement'
...     else:
...         remove_callback() if remove_callback else None
...         return True, None

Functional core (cont.)

>>> def mind_the_gap(sorted_agreements, minimum_start_date=None):
...     first = sorted_agreements[0]
...     if minimum_start_date and first.start_date > minimum_start_date:
...         yield first, minimum_start_date, first.end_date
...     for a, b in pairwise(sorted_agreements):
...         if a.end_date < b.start_date:
...             yield a, a.start_date, b.start_date
Eminently readable
because each function remains at a
single level of abstraction
>>> def is_removable(agreement, all_agreements, remove_callback=None):
...     assert agreement and agreement in all_agreements
...     if agreement.start_date <=
...         return False, 'already_active'
...     elif len(all_agreements) <= 1:
...         return False, 'only_agreement'
...     else:
...         remove_callback() if remove_callback else None
...         return True, None

Easily testable using simple data structures

Clear assignment of responsibilities

FauxO interface provides a

familiar façade

to the rest of the system

Our HTTP endpoint

def delete(self, id):
    success, msg = agreements.delete(id)
    return {'success': success, 'msg': msg}

Callbacks provide


limiting what we’re required to touch

Callbacks allow the core to direct the shell…

without coupling the shell to it

Our imperative shell

def delete(assignment_id):
    agreement = EndUserAgreement.get(id)
    all_agreements = EndUserAgreement.query

    def on_remove():

    removable, reason = is_removable(agreement, all_agreements,

    return removable, reason

Imperative shell (cont.)

def adjust_dates(minimum_start_date=None):
    all_agreements = EndUserAgreement.query.order_by('start_date')

    for agreement, start, end in mind_the_gap(all_agreements,
        agreement.start_date = start
        agreement.end_date = end

This example is from a

real system

that serves

real HTML!

No ivory tower constructions here

Is it easy? Perhaps not…

Is it worth it?


T.S. Eliot

Immature poets imitate;

Immature poets imitate;

mature poets steal

—T.S. Eliot

Special thanks to

Brandon Rhodes the Great

from whom I’ve stolen many ideas over the years

Thank you!
